Dual-Therapy Head Cooling & Warming Ice Cap for Headaches: Soothe pain instantly with the Soothie Hoodie, a versatile headache relief cap designed for both cold and hot therapy. Whether you need to cool down a migraine or warm up for tension headache relief, this migraine cap is your go-to solution
State-of-the-Art Gel Pack Durability: Soothie Hoodie delivers a superior head cooling experience. Its gel thickness ensures Tension Headache Relief, providing a gentle pressure that alleviates tension, stress, and hangover symptoms. It stays cool longer, offering extended relief when you need it most.
Targeted Therapy Where It Matters Most: Pressure points are key to effective migraine relief, and the Soothie Hoodie migraine ice cap targets these critical pain zones. This breakthrough approach of our ice cap for migraines focuses head cooling and warming therapy on the most affected areas.
Easy to Use, Easy to Love: The Soothie Hoodie is more than just a migraine relief cap. It doubles as an ice head wrap, migraine mask, or head cooling cap to alleviate sinus pain, stress, swelling, puffy eyes, hangovers, and more. Simply fold the front flaps and use it as a migraine eye mask or face mask.
One Size Fits All: Your Soothie features cutting-edge elastic fabric that easily adjusts to your head, ensuring a perfect fit. This innovative design strategically places gel packs on pressure points, delivering customized, targeted headache and migraine relief every time you wear it.